The shortest possible explanation of International Relations in the South Caucasus.

1715 map of the region

The South Caucasus region covers six countries. Three small countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. And three large countries: Iran, Russia and Turkey. Greek, Persian, Byzantine, Arab, Mongol, Ottoman and Russian Empires were all victorious conquers. Since 1990 there has been seven wars, four ethnic cleansings and three breakaway territories.

People write whole books on small details in the relationship between any two of these countries. Not me, this is the opposite. This is the shortest possible explanation of international relations in in the South Caucasus.

Georgia and Azerbaijan are cool. Azerbaijani oil and gas pipelines going to Europe cross Georgia and Georgia gets a taste. Azerbaijan is cool with Georgia because it doesn't meddle. Georgia gets energy at a good price, everyone minds their own business.

Georgia and Armenia are cool. They have camaraderie as small nations with big pasts. Armenia is reliant on Georgia. Both to get energy from Russia and to access international markets. This gives Georgia the upper hand in a friendly relationship.

Georgia and Turkey are cool. Turkey is a NATO country, Georgia loves NATO. Turkey is also the destination of most of the oil and gas crossing Georgia. Despite hostilities in previous centuries, relations are good.

Georgia and Russia are not cool. Georgia is polite out of necessity, because Russia occupies 20% of the country. Abkhazia and South Ossetia remain outside Georgian control and under Russian occupation. Russia wants wants to be the number one foreign power in all Georgia once more, but it is unlikely.

Georgia and Iran are chill. Not cool, because no one who wants to be European wants to be cool with Iran, but chill. Iranians come to Georgia to get away from Iran. Georgians do not go to Iran.

Armenia and Russia are cool, but at a recent low. Armenia thought Russia would do more to help them in the 2nd and 3rd Karabakh Wars. Russia did not help and Armenia is reevaluating the relationship.

Armenia and Iran are cool. 99% Christian Armenia and Revolutionary Islamic Iran maintain good relations. Iran offers Armenia's its only open border besides Georgia. Armenia offers Iran friendship, a much needed intangible for isolated Iran.

Armenia and Azerbaijan are not cool. Azerbaijan was mad about Armenian ethnically cleansing the Azerbaijanis after the 1st Karabakh war. Now Armenia is mad at Azerbaijan for ethnically cleansing the Armenians after the 3rd. Normalization is possible, but not any time soon.

Armenia and Turkey are not cool. Turkey cut relations and closed its border during the 1st Karabakh war. Armenia wants recognition of the 1915 genocide. A reopening of the border would be very beneficial for Armenia. Turkey may open the border, but has no interest in addressing the genocide.

Turkey and Azerbaijan are very cool. Turkey is Azerbaijans big brother. Turkey was invaluable in Azerbaijan’s reconquest of Karabakh. Azerbaijani oil and gas is crucial to Turkey becoming an energy hub in Europe.

Azerbaijan and Iran are cool, but its weird. There are more Azerbaijani people in Iran than in Azerbaijan proper. This often causes tension. Iran’s friendly relations with Armenia is also a sore point. The undeniable cultural similarities overpower the differences.

Azerbaijan and Russia are cool. Russia didn't interfere when Azerbaijan reconquered Karabakh. Azerbaijan is not going to criticize Russia in Ukraine. Two autocratic, neighboring nations staying in their lanes, minding their own business.

Russia and Turkey are weird. A weak global power and an strong regional one. They avoid direct conflict despite backing opposing factions in conflicts across the Middle East and Africa. Russia even allows Turkey to mediates grain deals in the Black Sea. It's weird.

Russia and Iran are cool. Two autocratic, pariah states cut off from world markets. Happy to cooperate on energy deals, weapons deals, any deals. They wouldn't dare criticize each other.

Iran and Turkey are cool. Turkey supports Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijanis in Iran. Iran supports Armenia and anti-Turkish forces in Libya, Syria and Iraq. These neighboring nations have been competing for centuries and will continue to. They understand each other.

That's it. Six countries. Five alphabets. 700 words. The shortest possible explanation of International Relations in the South Caucasus.


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